

This blog describes a STAR WARS chart.
Anakin Skywalker married Padme Amidala, and he was the Darth Vador.
Luke was Anakin's son. And he fought against Darth Vador.
To fight against Darth Vador, Yoda taught Luke how to fight.


Nowadays, we can use skype that can video call.
When I want to see my family or friends of Korea, I use skype.
Technology of Information and Communication has developed rapidly.
I'm always thanks to developers of all the applications.


November 22nd, this year, I became 20 years old.
I can drink alchole in korea since 2014, but in japan, I can drink nowadays.
In korea, beer and chicken are the best combination of foods. I used to eat them.
But be careful of heavy drinking!


I went to costco in hiroshima on saturday. I used to go to costco when I was lived in Korea. Then, It was very happy that I found costco.
Costco's hot dog, pizza and bake are all the best of costco's food.
Costco is located next to Matsuda Stadium. Then, we can go both of them.



To get score, we have to take a midterm examination.
And have to get over than 60% of score.
There are 3 tests that I have to take on this midterm.
First is electromagnetics, second is differential and integral calculus, and the last one is linear algebra.
Electromagnetics test was finished on this tuesday, differential and integral calculus will be taken on today.
I'll do my best.


Last 3 days

Last 3 days, my friend came here. It was the first that he was in hiroshima, then I introduced about hiroshima. He went to miyajima, and also genbaku dome. I also take him to tsukemen. He could eat 200bai of tsukemen spice. I was very pleased, because last 3 days was very joyful. I want to be visited from other friends.


Go shopping

When I open the closet, there is no cloth to wear.

Then I think that I should go shopping and buy some clothes.

Today, I went shopping and bought some clothes.

Actually, that was the first time that I bought clothes in Japan.